School Search

School Directory

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) assigns state identification numbers for each Local Education Agency (LEA) and their associated schools. These identification numbers are vital in SLED for identifying and reporting data associated with each school and LEA. The LEA/School Directory contains basic directory information, including the LEA and School Identification numbers.

Information is updated annually by the first Monday in August.
Simon Elementary School315District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 645-3360 No401 Mississippi Ave. SE 20032PK3 - 5
Smothers Elementary School322District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-3600 No4400 Brooks St. NE 20019PK3 - 5
Sousa Middle School427District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 729-3260 No3650 Ely Pl. SE 200196 - 8
Stanton Elementary School319District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6180 No2701 Naylor Rd. SE 20020PK3 - 5
Stoddert Elementary School321District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6030 No4001 Calvert St. NW 20007PK3 - 5
Stuart-Hobson Middle School (Capitol Hill Cluster)428District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6010 No410 E St. NE 200026 - 8
Takoma Elementary School324District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6050 No7010 Piney Branch Rd. NW 20012PK3 - 5
Thaddeus Stevens Early Learning Center1142District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 698-0677 No1050 21st Street NW 20036PK3 - PK4
Thomas Elementary School325District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 724-4593 No650 Anacostia Ave. NE 20019PK3 - 5
Thomson Elementary School326District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 898-4660 No1200 L St. NW 20005PK3 - 5
Truesdell Elementary School327District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 576-6202202-939-4350No800 Ingraham St. NW 20011PK3 - 5
Tubman Elementary School328District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 673-7285 No3101 13th St. NW 20010PK3 - 5
Turner Elementary School329District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 645-3470 No3264 Stanton Rd. SE 20032PK3 - 5
Tyler Elementary School330District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-4810 No1001 G St. SE 20003PK3 - 5
Van Ness Elementary School331District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 727-4314 No1150 5th St SE 20003PK3 - 5
Walker-Jones Education Campus332District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-5934 No1125 New Jersey Ave. NW 20001PK3 - 8
Watkins Elementary School (Capitol Hill Cluster)333District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 698-3355 No420 12th St. SE 200031 - 5
Wheatley Education Campus335District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-5970 No1299 Neal St. NE 20002PK3 - 8
Whittier Elementary School338District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 576-6156 No6201 5th St. NW 20011PK3 - 5
Maya Angelou Academy @ Youth Services Center1214DYRS4002(202) 202-7007 No1000 Mount Olivet Road, NE 200026 - 12
items per page161 - 180 of 302 items

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