School Search

School Directory

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) assigns state identification numbers for each Local Education Agency (LEA) and their associated schools. These identification numbers are vital in SLED for identifying and reporting data associated with each school and LEA. The LEA/School Directory contains basic directory information, including the LEA and School Identification numbers.

Information is updated annually by the first Monday in August.
Roots PCS173Roots PCS140(202) 882-8073 Yes15 KENNEDY STREET NW 20011PK3 - 5
Roots PCS - ECE Transition1255Roots PCS140(202) 882-8073202-882-8073Yes15 KENNEDY STREET NW 20011PK3 - PK4
Malcolm X Elementary School @ Green308District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 645-3409 No1500 Mississippi Ave. SE 20032PK3 - 5
Seaton Elementary School309District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 673-7215 No1503 10th St. NW 20001PK3 - 5
Center City PCS - Capitol Hill1104Center City PCS156(202) 547-7556202-492-4992Yes1503 EAST CAPITOL STREET SE 20003PK3 - 8
McKinley Technology High School458District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 281-3950 No151 T St. NE 200029 - 12
McKinley Middle School435District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 281-3950 No151 T. St. NE 200026 - 8
Moten Elementary School285District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 698-1111 No1565 Morris Rd. SE 20020PK3 - 5
Benjamin Banneker High School402District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6320 No1600 9th St. NW 200019 - 12
Anacostia High School450District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 698-2155 No1601 16th St. SE 200209 - 12
Randle Highlands Elementary School316District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 729-3250 No1650 30th St. SE 20020PK3 - 5
Eastern High School457District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 698-4500 No1700 East Capitol St. NE 200039 - 12
Kramer Middle School417District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-3150 No1700 Q St. SE 200206 - 8
Advanced Technical Center3152Advanced Technical Center346  No1709 3rd St NE 200029 - 12
Ross Elementary School305District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 673-7200 No1730 R St. NW 20009PK4 - 5
Bancroft Elementary School204District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 673-7280 No1755 Newton St. NW 20010PK3 - 5
Goodwill Excel Center PCS297Goodwill Excel Center PCS190(202) 839-3650 Yes1776 G STREET NW 200069 - 12
Perry Street Preparatory PCS161Perry Street Preparatory PCS125(202) 529-4400202-551-0814Yes1800 PERRY STREET NE 20018PK3 - 8
Perry Street Preparatory PCS - ECE Transition1283Perry Street Preparatory PCS125(202) 529-4400202-551-0814Yes1800 PERRY STREET NE 20018PK3 - PK4
The Sojourner Truth School PCS1144The Sojourner Truth School PCS323(202) 747-0904 Yes1800 PERRY STREET NE 200186 - 10
items per page61 - 80 of 302 items

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