School Search

School Directory

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) assigns state identification numbers for each Local Education Agency (LEA) and their associated schools. These identification numbers are vital in SLED for identifying and reporting data associated with each school and LEA. The LEA/School Directory contains basic directory information, including the LEA and School Identification numbers.

Information is updated annually by the first Monday in August.
Jefferson Middle School Academy433District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 729-3270 No801 7th St. SW 200246 - 8
Stuart-Hobson Middle School (Capitol Hill Cluster)428District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6010 No410 E St. NE 200026 - 8
Sousa Middle School427District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 729-3260 No3650 Ely Pl. SE 200196 - 8
Kelly Miller Middle School421District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 388-6870 No301 49th St. NE 200196 - 8
MacFarland Middle School420District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6033 No4400 Iowa Ave. NW 200116 - 8
Kramer Middle School417District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-3150 No1700 Q St. SE 200206 - 8
Johnson Middle School416District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-3140 No1400 Bruce Pl. SE 200206 - 8
Hart Middle School413District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6426202-939-4350No601 Mississippi Ave. SE 200326 - 8
School Without Walls @ Francis-Stevens409District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 724-4841 No800 Euclid St. NW 20001PK3 - 8
Eliot-Hine Middle School407District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-5380 No1830 Constitution Ave. NE 200026 - 8
Deal Middle School405District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 939-2010 No3815 Fort Dr. NW 200166 - 8
Browne Education Campus404District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6210 No810 26th St. NE 20002PK3 - 8
Benjamin Banneker High School402District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 671-6320 No1600 9th St. NW 200019 - 12
Langley Elementary School370District of Columbia Public Schools001(202) 724-4223 No101 T Street NE 20002PK3 - 5
Friendship PCS - Woodridge International Middle366Friendship PCS120(202) 635-6500 Yes2959 CARLTON AVENUE NE 200184 - 8
Friendship PCS - Woodridge International Elementary365Friendship PCS120(202) 635-6500 Yes2959 CARLTON AVENUE NE 20018PK3 - 3
Friendship PCS - Chamberlain Middle364Friendship PCS120(202) 547-5800 Yes1345 POTOMAC AVENUE SE 200034 - 8
Friendship PCS - Chamberlain Elementary363Friendship PCS120(202) 547-5800 Yes1345 POTOMAC AVENUE SE 20003PK3 - 3
Friendship PCS - Blow Pierce Middle362Friendship PCS120(202) 572-1070 Yes725 19TH STREET NE 200024 - 8
Friendship PCS - Blow Pierce Elementary361Friendship PCS120(202) 572-1070 Yes725 19TH STREET NE 20002PK3 - 3
items per page21 - 40 of 302 items

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