Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS | 191 | Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS | 146 | (202) 563-6862 | | Yes | 2427 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR AVENUE SE 20020 | 9 - 12 |
Truesdell Elementary School | 327 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 576-6202 | 202-939-4350 | No | 800 Ingraham St. NW 20011 | PK3 - 5 |
Tubman Elementary School | 328 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 673-7285 | | No | 3101 13th St. NW 20010 | PK3 - 5 |
Turner Elementary School | 329 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 645-3470 | | No | 3264 Stanton Rd. SE 20032 | PK3 - 5 |
Two Rivers PCS - 4th Street | 198 | Two Rivers PCS | 149 | (202) 543-8477 | | Yes | 1227 4TH STREET NE 20002 | PK3 - 5 |
Two Rivers PCS - ECE Transition | 1285 | Two Rivers PCS | 149 | (202) 388-1360 | 202-388-1360 | Yes | 1227 4TH STREET NE 20002 | PK3 - PK4 |
Two Rivers PCS - Young Elementary School | 270 | Two Rivers PCS | 149 | (202) 388-1360 | | Yes | 820 26TH STREET NE 20002 | PK3 - 5 |
Two Rivers PCS - Young Middle School | 1152 | Two Rivers PCS | 149 | (202) 388-1360 | | Yes | 830 26TH STREET NE 20002 | 6 - 8 |
Tyler Elementary School | 330 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 939-4810 | | No | 1001 G St. SE 20003 | PK3 - 5 |
Van Ness Elementary School | 331 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 727-4314 | | No | 1150 5th St SE 20003 | PK3 - 5 |
Walker-Jones Education Campus | 332 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 939-5934 | | No | 1125 New Jersey Ave. NW 20001 | PK3 - 8 |
Washington Global PCS | 263 | Washington Global PCS | 185 | (202) 796-2415 | | Yes | 525 SCHOOL STREET SW 20024 | 6 - 8 |
Washington Latin PCS - Anna Julia Cooper Middle School | 1292 | Washington Latin PCS | 151 | (202) 223-1111 | | Yes | 711 EDGEWOOD STREET NE 20011 | 5 - 7 |
Washington Latin PCS - Middle School | 125 | Washington Latin PCS | 151 | (202) 223-1111 | | Yes | 5200 2ND STREET NW 20011 | 5 - 8 |
Washington Latin PCS - Upper School | 1118 | Washington Latin PCS | 151 | (202) 223-1111 | | Yes | 5200 2ND STREET NW 20011 | 9 - 12 |
Washington Leadership Academy PCS | 283 | Washington Leadership Academy PCS | 194 | (240) 580-3371 | | Yes | 3015 4TH STREET NE 20017 | 9 - 12 |
Washington Yu Ying PCS | 1117 | Washington Yu Ying PCS | 160 | (202) 635-1950 | | Yes | 220 TAYLOR STREET NE 20017 | PK3 - 5 |
Washington Yu Ying PS - ECE Transition | 1262 | Washington Yu Ying PCS | 160 | (202) 635-1950 | 202-635-1950 | Yes | 220 TAYLOR STREET NE 20017 | PK3 - PK4 |
Watkins Elementary School (Capitol Hill Cluster) | 333 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 698-3355 | | No | 420 12th St. SE 20003 | 1 - 5 |
Wheatley Education Campus | 335 | District of Columbia Public Schools | 001 | (202) 939-5970 | | No | 1299 Neal St. NE 20002 | PK3 - 8 |