LEA Search

LEA Directory

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) assigns state identification numbers for each Local Education Agency (LEA) and their associated schools. These identification numbers are vital in SLED for identifying and reporting data associated with each school and LEA. The LEA/School Directory contains basic directory information, including the LEA and School Identification numbers.

Information is updated annually by the first Monday in August.
Mary McLeod Bethune Day Academy PCS1321404 JACKSON STREET NE 20017P: (202) 459-4710 F: (202) 318-75888:30 am to 5:00 pmhttp://www.mmbethune.org
Maya Angelou PCS1335600 EAST CAPITOL STREET NE 20019P: (202) 289-8898 F: (202) 792-46008:45 AM to 5:00 pmhttps://www.seeforever.org/
Meridian PCS1352130 13TH STREET NW 20009P: (202) 387-9830 F: (202) 387-76058:00 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.mpcs-dc.org/
Paul PCS1385800 8TH STREET NW 20011P: (202) 291-7499 F: (202) 291-74958:05 am to 3:45 pmhttp://www.paulcharter.org
Roots PCS14015 KENNEDY STREET NW 20011P: (202) 882-8073 F: (202) 882-80758:00 am to 4:00 pmhttp://rootspcs.org
SEED PCS1424300 C STREET SE 20019P: (202) 248-7773 F: (202) 204-57668:00 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.seedschooldc.org
St. Coletta Special Education PCS1431901 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE SE 20003P: (202) 350-8680 F: (202) 350-86998:30 am to 3:00 pmhttp://www.stcoletta.org
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom PCS1443700 OAKVIEW TERRACE NE 20017P: (202) 265-7237 F: (202) 265-46568:00 am to 3:00 pmhttp://www.ewstokes.org
The Next Step/El Proximo Paso PCS1453047 15TH STREET NW 20009P: (202) 319-2249 F: (202) 332-03989:00 am to 9:00 pmhttp://nextsteppcs.org
Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS1462427 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR AVENUE SE 20020P: (202) 563-6862 F: (202) 563-69468:45 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.thurgoodmarshallacademy.org
Two Rivers PCS1491227 4TH STREET NE 20002P: (202) 388-1360 F: (202) 546-08698:30 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.tworiverspcs.org
Washington Latin PCS1515200 2ND STREET NW 20011P: (202) 223-1111 F: (202) 723-11718:10 am to 3:15 pmhttp://www.latinpcs.org
Achievement Preparatory Academy PCS155908 WAHLER PLACE SE 20032P: (202) 562-1307 F: (202) 748-59707:45 am to 4:00 pmhttp://achievementprep.org/
Center City PCS156900 2ND STREET NE SUITE 221 20002P: (202) 547-7556 F: (202) 547-56868:30 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.centercitypcs.org
Washington Yu Ying PCS160220 TAYLOR STREET NE 20017P: (202) 635-1950 F: (202) 635-19608:10 am to 3:40 pmhttp://washingtonyuying.org
Carlos Rosario International PCS1621100 HARVARD STREET NW 20009P: (202) 797-4700 F: (202) 232-64429:00 AM to 8:30 pmhttp://www.carlosrosario.org
Inspired Teaching Demonstration PCS165200 DOUGLAS STREET NE 20002P: (202) 248-6825 F: (202) 248-69398:30 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.inspiredteachingschool.org
Shining Stars Montessori Academy PCS1661240 RANDOLPH STREET NE 20017P: (202) 723-1467 F: (202) 723-00978:00 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.shiningstarspcs.org
Richard Wright PCS for Journalism and Media Arts167475 SCHOOL STREET SW 20024P: (202) 388-1011 F: (202) 388-51978:30 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.richardwrightpcs.org
BASIS DC PCS168410 8TH STREET NW 20004P: (202) 804-6390 F: (202) 803-57648:40 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.basisdc.org/
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