LEA Search

LEA Directory

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) assigns state identification numbers for each Local Education Agency (LEA) and their associated schools. These identification numbers are vital in SLED for identifying and reporting data associated with each school and LEA. The LEA/School Directory contains basic directory information, including the LEA and School Identification numbers.

Information is updated annually by the first Monday in August.
Creative Minds International PCS1693700 NORTH CAPITOL STREET NW 20011P: (202) 588-0370 F: (202) 588-02638:45 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.creativemindspcs.org
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom PCS1443700 OAKVIEW TERRACE NE 20017P: (202) 265-7237 F: (202) 265-46568:00 am to 3:00 pmhttp://www.ewstokes.org
Cesar Chavez PCS for Public Policy1093701 HAYES STREET NE 20019P: (202) 398-2230 F: (202) 398-25358:50 am to 3:23 pmhttp://www.chavezschools.org
Eagle Academy PCS117400 VIRGINIA AVENUE SW SUITE 710 20024P: (202) 459-6825 F: (202) 544-01878:30 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.eagleacademypcs.org
Howard University Middle School of Mathematics and Science PCS124405 HOWARD ROAD PLACE NW 20059P: (202) 806-7725 F: (202) 865-02718:15 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.hu-ms2.org
DC Youth ReEngagement Center1824058 Minnesota Ave NE 20019 F: 8:00 am to 5:00 PMhttp://osse.dc.gov/dcreengagementcenter
Global Citizens PCS3574095 MINNESOTA AVENUE NE 20019P: (202) 221-6400 www.globalcitizensschool.org
BASIS DC PCS168410 8TH STREET NW 20004P: (202) 804-6390 F: (202) 803-57648:40 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.basisdc.org/
DC Wildflower PCS359413 L STREET SE 20019P: (202) 996-8371 8:00 am to 3:45 pmhttp://www.dcwildflowerpcs.org/
SEED PCS1424300 C STREET SE 20019P: (202) 248-7773 F: (202) 204-57668:00 am to 4:00 pmhttp://www.seedschooldc.org
Ingenuity Prep PCS1734600 LIVINGSTON ROAD SE 20032P: (202) 562-0391 F: (202) 562-03958:20 AM to 3:40 pmhttp://www.ingenuityprep.org
Statesmen College Preparatory Academy for Boys PCS3144600 LIVINGSTON ROAD SE 20032P: (202) 830-2810 8:15 am to 4:30 pmwww.statesmenboys.org
Richard Wright PCS for Journalism and Media Arts167475 SCHOOL STREET SW 20024P: (202) 388-1011 F: (202) 388-51978:30 am to 3:30 pmhttp://www.richardwrightpcs.org
Monument Academy PCS184500 19TH STREET NE 20002P: (202) 545-3180 F: (202) 478-28248:45 AM to 5:30 pmhttp://www.monumentacademy.org/
Latin American Montessori Bilingual PCS1305000 14TH STREET NW 20011P: (202) 726-6200 F: (202) 722-41258:15 am to 3:15 pmhttp://www.lambpcs.org
Washington Latin PCS1515200 2ND STREET NW 20011P: (202) 223-1111 F: (202) 723-11718:10 am to 3:15 pmhttp://www.latinpcs.org
Washington Global PCS185525 SCHOOL STREET SW 20024P: (202) 796-2415 F: (202) 479-10478:15 am to 3:45 pmhttp://washingtonglobal.org/
Social Justice PCS3505450 3RD STREET NE 20011P: (202) 968-5380 F: (202) 968-53808:25 AM to 3:45 pmhttps://thesocialjusticeschool.org/
DYRS40025600 East Capitol Street NE 20019P: (202) 202-7007 F: (202) 792-46008:00 am to 2:30 PMhttps://www.seeforever.org/
Maya Angelou PCS1335600 EAST CAPITOL STREET NE 20019P: (202) 289-8898 F: (202) 792-46008:45 AM to 5:00 pmhttps://www.seeforever.org/
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